The best A.I recruitment
service to accelerate the
growth of your recruitment

With DevTrouver, companies can find the right candidates within their
database in no time.

Book a demo

DevTrouver Cycle

Acquire Data

Prepare Data

Begin using your A.I

Connect your CRM to a Google Drive account where all information is stored.

Make sure all the information is storied in Google Drive. Otherwise it can’t be found by DAAS.

Better Job Matching - Decision Making - A.I Driven - Less Time - Less Money

Acquire Data

Connect your CRM to a Google Drive account where all information is stored.

Prepare Data

Make sure all the information is storied in Google Drive. Otherwise it can’t be found by DAAS.

Begin using your A.I

Better Job Matching - Decision Making - A.I Driven - Less Time - Less Money.


Affordable pricing for great

With DevTrouver, companies can find the right candidates within their database in no time.


Cost of Installation


Master User


Any additional users

What’s included

Access to Software

Virtual Machine

Okta Security Software

GCP Storage Space


Service Consultation

Want to learn more?

Talk to our product expert

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